The Chain of Survival

An internationally recognized standard of EARLY INTERVENTION which gives a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest the best chance of survival, if the chain is implemented quickly.


The Chain of Survival

The Chain of Survival is a series of essential actions which are designed to improve the survival rate following a SCA. The links are:

  • Early Access - getting help on the way
  • Early Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Early Defibrillation
  • Early Advanced Life Support - paramedics & hospital

EARLY DEFIBRILLATION is the most vital but weakest implemented (& often missing) link in the Chain of Survival.

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Defib First provides a 1 hour information session on the use of Automated External Defibrillators for your staff, group or club.

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Mob:  0414 560 364

Tel:     1300 DEFIBFIRST


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